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Data Contracts

To act as a gatekeeper and maintain high quality data, STRM Privacy enforces Data Contracts on data that is processed. This article covers what a Data Contract is, and how it is used by STRM Privacy.

The Data Contract

The Data Contract defines:

  • Schema. This is the blueprint of the data that is sent, hence, this is about the shape of the data.

  • Contract details. This defines the content that is sent, and is composed of the verifications that should be done for the received content.

A Data Contract is composed of various elements , of which a few are of key importance:

  • schema: the schema used when serializing and deserializing data.
  • key_field: the name of the data field used for determining which events belong to the same sequence.
  • field_metadata: a list of metadata including field names, personal data configuration specifying the fields that should be considered as PII data and as Quasi-Identifier data and the purpose level that it belongs to.

Other elements are discussed later in this article, but the three mentioned above are of crucial importance for STRM Privacy to apply the Privacy Algorithm.


In the past, STRM Privacy offered Event Contracts. They share similarity with the current Data Contract, however, they differ from Data Contracts in sense that Event Contracts were separated from the Schema, which is not the case for Data Contracts. Data Contracts are tightly coupled with the Schema, which is why the Schema is embedded in the Data Contract. Event Contracts will be removed in a future API version.


In order to guarantee the integrity of the data that is sent to STRM Privacy, all events must conform to a serialization schema. These schemas are easy to add and register with STRM Privacy, hence they are simple to adapt to your use case.

The serialization schema defines how an event is turned into bytes and vice versa.

Currently, STRM Privacy supports Apache Avro and JSON Schema and Simple Schema, however other serialization formats may be added in the future.

Each serialization schema must include a section with STRM Privacy meta information. See the strmMeta documentation for details.


If another serialization format, such as Protobuf, is a requirement for you, please contact us.

Simple Schemas

Simple Schemas is a format defined at STRM Privacy, that is used to create compatible Avro schemas without needing to understand the complexity of Avro or JSON-schema schemas. Through regular JSON or YAML, you can define the shape of your data, while the complexities are abstracted away. The Simple Schema is translated into Avro, which is the default format used at STRM Privacy. The estimate is, that the vast majority of use cases will prefer these over manual Avro or JSON-schema creation.

Simple Schema cannot be used in the following cases:

  • you already have a Kafka infrastructure with Avro or JSON-schema integration (such as Confluent).
  • you aim to use Avro or JSON-schema schemas with complexities that are outside the scope of Simple Schema. These complexities are mostly the union types.

See here for details on how Simple Schema works.

Data Contracts

In order to guarantee that data that is sent to STRM Privacy adheres to the rules defined by your organization, events must conform to a data contract. Contracts determine the behavior of validations, which fields are encrypted, and how events are tied together (hence, they get the same encryption key).


A single version of a contract is linked to one, and only one serialization schema.

An example data contract, with Data Contract reference strmprivacy/clickstream/1.0.0, is listed below.


View this Data Contract with the CLI using: strm get data-contract strmprivacy/clickstream/1.0.0 -ojson

"ref": { "handle": "strmprivacy", "name": "clickstream", "version": "1.0.0" },
"schemaRef": { "handle": "strmprivacy", "name": "clickstream", "version": "1.0.0" },
"state": "ACTIVE",
"isPublic": true,
"keyField": "producerSessionId",
"piiFields": {}
"fieldMetadata": [
"fieldName": "customer/id",
"personalDataConfig": {
"isPii": true,
"isQuasiId": false,
"purposeLevel": 0
"fieldName": "producerSessionId",
"personalDataConfig": {
"isPii": true,
"isQuasiId": false,
"purposeLevel": 1
"validations": [
"field": "customer/id",
"type": "regex",
"value": "^.+$"
"field": "url",
"type": "regex",
"value": "^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]"
"dataSubjectField": "customer/id",
"schema": {
"ref": { "handle": "strmprivacy", "name": "clickstream", "version": "1.0.0", "schemaType": "AVRO" },
"state": "ACTIVE",
"isPublic": true,
"definition": ... shown in separate tab for brevity ...,
"fingerprint": "4415394156950015060",
"metadata": { ... omitted ... }
"id": "9cad95b7-b2bd-49e9-b5e3-d61b2da4f8ff",
"metadata": { ... omitted ... }
  1. ref: the reference to the data contract, comprised of a handle (globally unique, chosen by you / your organization), name, and a semantic version.
  2. schemaRef: the serialization schema reference, that follows the same handle, name, and version.
  3. state: whether the data contract is active and ready to be used in data pipelines. More on states here.
  4. isPublic: a data contract can be public, in which case all STRM Privacy customers can use it, or it can belong to a certain organization, and require organization credentials to use it.
  5. keyField: the name of the field in the serialization schema that is used to tie events together. Typically, this is what determines a data subject's (i.e. your users) session. If multiple events contain the same value for the field that was specified as keyField, then the same encryption key and keyLink will be used to encrypt the PII data.
  6. piiFields: deprecated in favor of fieldMetadata.
  7. fieldMetadata: description of the fields that should either be considered non-sensitive, QI or PII with corresponding purpose level. This field identifies if a field should be encrypted if isPii = true and purposeLevel is filled out.
  8. validations: the validations that should be performed on the content of specific fields in an event.
  9. dataSubjectField: the name of the field in the serialization schema that is used to distinguish data subjects from each other. Typically, this is a customer id or a user id. This is used by the Data Subjects API to keep facilitate an interface that allows for easy retrieval of used keyLinks for a specific data subject.

These contracts are very versatile, which makes it possible to use them for nearly any data structure.


fieldMetadata is the replacement of deprecated piiFields. In case both are filled, fieldMetadata takes precedence.


The validations that are performed on the data that is received by STRM Privacy currently only support Regular Expressions.


More validation mechanisms will be added in the future. Please contact us if you have a specific validation need.

Below is an example for a validation:

Assume an attribute of your event, say 'user/customer_id' in your organization has to consist of 9 digits not starting with a zero, you could have this as a validation rule in the data contract, implemented with a regex.

This is the mechanism that STRM Privacy provides to increase the quality of your event data: validate before acceptance, and let the data processing teams define the rules instead of the data generating teams. An example of a validation can be seen (and tried) in the quickstart Sending and receiving manually.


Data Contracts currently are limited in the following ways:

  • fieldMetadata
    • specified field names should be present in the corresponding schema
    • specified pii fields should be (optional) string or list of string.
  • keyField
    • specified field name should be present in the corresponding schema
    • specified field should be an (optional) string
    • note that the Event Gateway requires that the key field of an event is not empty in order to accept it.

Technically it is possible to lift some of these limitations. Please contact us if you are interested in this.

It is important to note the difference between keyField and keyLink, as they are related to each other, but are fundamentally different:

  1. keyField is part of the data contract and keyLink is part of the strmMeta section of the serialization schema
  2. keyField determines which field in the serialization schema is used for considering whether events belong to the same sequence (for example a session)
  3. keyLink links a single event to an encryption key
  4. The value for keyField is determined by you
  5. The value for keyLink is determined by STRM Privacy
  6. The value of keyField is used when creating a keyLink

As you can see, the two have a strong relationship, but they are different.

Data Contract states

As data contracts are fundamental to describe data and give insight into what data goes where, state management is important.

It's not safe to allow modifications or removals on data contracts as it might impact either the workings of the streams, but it also hinders traceability.

Data contracts can be in one of five states. See the image below:

Data Contract states


This entity is still in development and thus can still be modified. It has not yet been accepted yet, and because of this, it cannot yet be used for processing events.


This entity has been asked to be reviewed by a member of the organization that has the correct user role. In this state the entity can still be modified, and because of this, it cannot yet be used for processing events.


This entity has been approved for use by a member of the organization and is ready to be used for processing events but is not yet active. In this state the entity can not be modified anymore.


This entity has been accepted and from now on, its properties are frozen; it cannot be modified anymore (except for the metadata). From now on, it can be used for processing events.


This entity has reached its end-of-life state and is not used anymore. It cannot be used for processing new events, but since it is not physically deleted, it can still be referenced, for example by in-flight events. It can also still be viewed, for example for traceability purposes. If needed, it can be reactivated.


At the moment, entities can be archived and reactivated freely, so in a way, archival is just a convenience. This may change in the future though.