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Masked Fields

Field masking is a mechanism that is applied to events in derived streams in order to hide their actual plaintext value.

Imagine you have a privacy stream in your company that contains a customer id. This personal data field will be encrypted in the privacy stream, but in case the data subject has given permission, teams (or algorithms) can be used for instance to give personalized recommendations.

Without the masking mechanism this would mean that for a certain data subject that has given full permissions, for instance the personal history would be fully visible within the recommendations team or models. The data scientist would be able to look up someone's personal history, when having access to the company customer database.

In order to hide the actual customer id, you can use the concept of masked fields. This mechanism applies a masking function 1 on the decrypted field value, before putting it into the derived stream. This masking function is deterministic so a decrypted field value will always map to the same masked field value. The same data scientist and the same recommender model can work with the customer data just as effectively, but without being able to link this to a person.

Mask seed

The masking uses a standard hashing algorithm 2. Assuming someone has access to the customer database it would be easy to generate hash values for all customer ids, and create a so-called rainbow table. By adding a seed to the unmasked value, we make this mechanism unfeasible. The mask-seed is given during creation of a masked stream.


The mask seed is hidden when listing or getting streams.

An example

In the following example, a source stream example and two derived streams are created: example-3 and example-M3. In order to generate some data, you can execute strm simulate random-events example to simulate random data and send it to the input stream.

strm create stream example
strm create stream --derived-from example \
--levels 3 --masked-fields \
strm create stream --derived-from example --levels 3
  1. Creates stream named example-M3 because no explicit derived stream name was specified.
  2. For events with data contract strmprivacy/example/1.3.0 mask fields uniqueIdentifier, notSensitiveValue, someSensitiveValue and consistentValue.
  3. The mask-seed attribute is explained in the previous section.
  4. Creates stream named example-3

Events in the encrypted privacy stream

Below, a single event in the privacy stream example can be seen (omitting some less significant fields for brevity here):

"strmMeta": {
"eventContractRef": "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0",
"nonce": -1505384217,
"timestamp": 1635416584627,
"keyLink": "67140ff9-e866-48ff-b89b-00ce69e287e6",
"consentLevels": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
"uniqueIdentifier": "ATuasjJ30S4uRB64APNKNze/TH6V5NbA6gRLGjM=",
"consistentValue": "ATuasjKGKxAz0cIrFH9CQ/FBsizvFpQJq2t+eds8bHc=",
"someSensitiveValue": "ATuasjLXJ0vL0aY4CEV48O6PXU9zwm+v9ccGZBNcWzg=",
"notSensitiveValue": "not-sensitive-6"

Encrypted values can be generally recognized by looking at the trailing = character. The fields uniqueIdentifier, consistentValue and someSensitiveValue are defined to be personal data through the data contract.

Events in the derived stream without masking

In events from stream example-3, all PII fields have been decrypted. Their original plaintext value is shown here. If one of these contained a customer id, every data scientist with access to this stream and access to the company customer database would be able to link the history in this stream to an individual person.

"strmMeta": {
"eventContractRef": "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0",
"nonce": -1505384217,
"timestamp": 1635416584627,
"keyLink": "67140ff9-e866-48ff-b89b-00ce69e287e6",
"consentLevels": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
"uniqueIdentifier": "unique-5",
"consistentValue": "session-273",
"someSensitiveValue": "sensitive-0",
"notSensitiveValue": "not-sensitive-6"

Events in the derived stream with masking

Assuming that a recommendation engine is to be trained on data of a data subject that has provided full consent, it would still be great if the actual customer id is not being used.

This can be done using masked fields. The stream with masked fields contains values that are always the same for the same source value. In this example, the plaintext uniqueIdentifier has the value unique-5 with a corresponding masked value of 1083e8169d7138e990cc30095578452.

Below, a single event from the example-M3 stream can be seen:

"strmMeta": {
"eventContractRef": "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0",
"nonce": -1505384217,
"timestamp": 1635416584627,
"keyLink": "67140ff9-e866-48ff-b89b-00ce69e287e6",
"consentLevels": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
"uniqueIdentifier": "1083e8169d7138e990cc30095578452",
"consistentValue": "7cc66d130664caa9efacda1026c1c44",
"someSensitiveValue": "e49bd309eed4a5094437a71ac2bc1cad",
"notSensitiveValue": "538ad30b2aa2781e855c4eb059cf68a3"

You can see even the notSensitiveValue attribute has been masked, that no longer contains the "not-sensitive-6" value. You could use this for instance to provide downstream data consumers maybe outside your company with values that are not personal, but that you still want to keep inside your company.

Using the masked fields

You could train a personalized model on a derived masked stream, and then you could recommend on the same stream. This way you could have a very personalized model, without ever exposing sensitive personal data.

  1. technically a hashing function
  2. currently MurmurHash3