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Purpose maps

In the world of data processing and privacy, everything starts with a legal basis for processing: to acquire and use data, you need a justified basis for it. For instance, under GDPR you could need the data to fulfil a contract, have a legitimate interest to the data, or obtain (different types of) consent.

With STRM, you define these legal bases and the usage target as purposes in a purpose map: a list of different processing motivations. This way, DPOs and privacy engineers can make sure data processing adheres to the internally defined purposes.

Engineering and data teams can then attach a purpose as defined in the map to every record or event processed with STRM. Together with the data contract, this acts as the instruction to transform and split the data into privacy streams. It is applied in a time-forward manner. Do you have e.g. marketing consent as legitimate purpose for user Mario on Monday and does Mario revoke the consent on Tuesday, leaving you with only contract fulfillment as basis for Mario's data processing? Then the data processing automagically follows this change!


Make sure your basis for processing and purpose map definitions match so it is accurately attached to the data. Our purpose maps are not a consent management solution (yet).


Creating purpose maps is done through our console: you add and describe the different purposes you have for data. Then you can start using them in your data contracts and privacy streams.