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Self-Hosted Installation

This hands-on session shows how to get up-and-running with your Customer Cloud Deployment, and verify its functionality.

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Make sure you have active kubernetes credentials to a cluster: kubectl get nodes should show the nodes of your cluster.
  2. Create a namespace strmprivacy (kubectl create namespace strmprivacy) and set that as default (kubens strmprivacy).
  3. Download the credentials file values.yaml through the STRM Privacy Console (under Installation configuration).

The values.yaml file should be similar to this:

imagePullSecret: "ewogIC...."

installationId: "f4cea...."
installationClientId: "ins-...."
installationClientSecret: "tii...."

Keep your values.yaml somewhere safe, especially if you have made configurations that differ from the default pre-populated version from the console.

Step 2: Install the Helm chart

Start by adding the GCS plugin for Helm, as the Helm Chart Repository for STRM Privacy resides in Google Cloud Storage:

helm plugin install

First, add the helm repo:

helm repo add strmrepo gs://stream-machine-production-helm-chart/data-plane

Install all the STRM components inside the strmprivacy namespace (or a different one of your choice).

helm install strmprivacy strmrepo/strm --values values.yaml --namespace strmprivacy

kubectl get pods --watch or k9s provides nice feedback to see how the installation is progressing. We see that some supporting infrastructure like Redis, Postgresql and Kafka are also installed. The creation of these components can be disabled, in which case configuration to the actual components will have to be added to the Helm chart.


During creation, you'll see Error states on the event-gateway pods for instance. This is nominal because it will fail to connect to Redis, which is still being deployed. Once Redis is healthy, you'll see the event-gateway status turn healthy. Similarly, Kafka may take a while to reach the Ready state.


You've installed a STRM Privacy Data Plane in a Kubernetes cluster. If you have had any issues during your installation, please let us know, or create a pull request on GitHub to improve these docs.

Now that you are done with the setup, follow the docs on how to interact with your cluster to start using it.