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Exporting Keys

It is possible to export encryption keys and move the decryption of events to a later point in time. This has various benefits:

  1. decoupling of encrypted data and encryption keys (no persistence of decrypted data)
  2. views can be created to create the idea of working with raw data
  3. permissions can be enforced on encryption keys to prevent arbitrary access

Exporting encryption keys

The derived streams feature manages the decryption of data for you. The keys exist only within the STRM Privacy keys database, for a duration a little longer than the keys rotation period 1. The derived streams have a default retention of 7 days, so if you don’t have the keys, and don’t consume or export the derived streams within 7 days, you lose the capability to decrypt the fields marked as PII.

Assuming your company decides that it wants to have the actual encryption keys 2, you need to configure STRM Privacy to provide you with the keys. A pre-requisite is that your account is enabled for this capability. The free subscription does not allow to export keys.


Exporting keys is only permitted if your account allows this. There is currently no way to enable this setting from the customer console. Please contact us if you are interested in this.

Prepare a data connector

In this quickstart, a data connector named demo is used, which can be created with:

$ strm create data-connector gcs demo strm-demo --credentials-file gcloud.json

It allows a connection to a Google Cloud Storage bucket called strm-demo using service account credentials created via the Google Cloud console.

When using an AWS S3 data connector, the mechanism is similar and described here.

The bucket's contents can be accessed with the aws cli tool for S3 or the gsutil Google Cloud cli tool for Google Cloud, or their respective cloud consoles.

Create an exporter

Currently, only batch exporters can be used to export the encryption keys, that work very similar to the event batch exporters. So you need the same mechanism with authenticated and authorized IAM users.

$ strm create batch-exporter --help

dstrm create batch-exporter [stream-name] [flags]

--data-connector string name of the data connector - optional if you own only one data connector
--export-keys Do we want to export the keys stream
-h, --help help for batch-exporter
--include-existing-events Do we want to include all existing events
--interval int Interval in seconds between batches (default 60)
--name string optional batch exporter name
--path-prefix string path prefix on bucket

To export encryption keys, look for the --export-keys option. Provided key exporting is enabled for your account, you can do the following:

$ strm create batch-exporter demo --export-keys \
--interval 30 --path-prefix demo-keys --data-connector demo
"ref": {
"name": "demo-demo-keys",
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"keyStreamRef": {
"name": "demo",
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"dataConnectorRef": {
"name": "demo",
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"interval": "30s",
"pathPrefix": "demo-keys"
  1. ref: the reference to the batch-exporter
  2. keyStreamRef: the reference to the key stream
  3. dataConnectorRef: the reference to the data connector to use
  4. pathPrefix: a directory to use in the bucket for storing keys

If you have more than one data-connector defined, you must provide its name. If you have only one, it is chosen as the default option.


The current implementation of this key export mechanism does not export keys that were created more than 7 days earlier 3.

Exported keys in the bucket


The keys csv files have 2 more columns related to the pipeline Policies. See the Policies concept


For this quickstart, strm simulate random-events demo for a while, to ensure events, and thus encryption keys are present.

You can have a look at the output:

$ gsutil ls gs://strm-demo/demo-keys/


$ gsutil cat gs://strm-demo/demo-keys/2021-08-18T12:09:30-keys-3b398d5c-2d7c-4673-9f73-3693e137ddbb---0-1-2-3-4.csv | tail -1


You can do exactly the same for an AWS S3 bucket. Inspect the keys like so:

$ aws s3 ls strmprivacy-export-demo/perf-test-keys/

2021-05-04 15:41:37 0 .strm_test...95-dfec21be8251.jsonl
2021-05-04 16:13:01 166008 2021-05-04T14:13:00-keys-e1...-7-8-9.csv
2021-05-04 16:13:31 701824 2021-05-04T14:13:30-keys-e1...-7-8-9.csv

$ aws s3 cp s3://strmprivacy-export-demo/perf-test-keys/2021-05-04T14:13:00-keys-e1...-7-8-9.csv - | tail -1

  1. .strm_test...95-dfec21be8251.jsonl: This is a test file created by STRM Privacy to verify that the exporter can actually write in this bucket. Because it starts with a . it is ignored by most tools. If the data connector used has delete permissions, this file will be deleted after the test and therefore absent.
  2. 2021-05-04T14:13:00-keys-e1...-7-8-9.csv: Because the interval is 30 seconds, a file is written every 30 seconds. Each file contains JSONL with one key per line. The line contains both a keyLink attribute, with the key link of the events, and a tinkKey attribute that contains the serialized Tink key. The format is described in this protobuf definition. The keyLink value is the same value you’ll find in the strmMeta/keyLink field of each event.
  3. "b15bca55-3a4c-4e49-b8ab-f702de632c06": a keyLink that exists in all STRM Privacy events.
  4. "{""primaryKeyId""...: the actual AES-256 encryption key.

  1. default 24 hours, depending on the privacy algorithm
  2. with the associated security challenges
  3. the retention period of the keys Kafka topic