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Evans is an API aware client for gRPC. It can interact with a server and via reflection see exactly what services the server offers. The CLI is only used to guide you through the login process and getting an OAuth2.0 access token.

# Make sure you're logged in, otherwise login with:
strm auth login
evans -r repl --host --port 443 --tls \
--header "authorization=Bearer $(strm auth print-access-token)" \
--package strmprivacy.api.data_contracts.v1 \
--service DataContractsService
| ____|
| |__ __ __ __ _ _ __ ___
| __| \ \ / / / _. | | '_ \ / __|
| |____ \ V / | (_| | | | | | \__ \
|______| \_/ \__,_| |_| |_| |___/

more expressive universal gRPC client> call ListDataContracts
billing_id (TYPE_STRING) =>
filter (TYPE_STRING) =>
handle (TYPE_STRING) =>
name (TYPE_STRING) =>
<repeated> labels::key (TYPE_STRING) =>
<repeated> domains (TYPE_STRING) =>
<repeated> industries (TYPE_STRING) =>
project_id (TYPE_STRING) =>
"data_contracts": [
"id": "4f296d9b-0e4e-451c-baf2-77389a753262",
"is_public": true,
"key_field": "consistentValue",
"metadata": {

To exit the repeated entries in Evans, type CTRL+D.

The entire STRM Privacy API can be accessed this way. The CLI however, offers a way more convenient way to access the API.