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STRM Privacy CLI reference

The STRM Privacy CLI (strm) is the primary tool for managing your STRM Privacy resources.

The CLI follows the same structure as many other popular CLI tools, like kubectl.


Verbs first

Most commands in the CLI start with a verb, and then a noun, for example: create stream.

The currently supported verbs are:

  • create: Create a new resource. An error is returned if the resource already exists

  • update: Update an existing resource. An error is returned if the resource does not exist.

  • delete: Delete an existing resource. An error is returned if the resource does not exist.

  • list: List resources of a given type, with optional filters. An empty list is returned if nothing is found.

  • get: Get a resource by its primary key (usually a "name" or "ref" attribute). An error is returned if the resource does not exist.

Sensible defaults

Not every attribute needs to be specified when creating resources, so typically only one or two options are needed to create a resource.

Global commands

The following commands that are not directly tied to a resource are available in the CLI:

  • help: The general help page.

  • version: Displays the current version and build information.

  • auth: Various authentication commands for the CLI.

  • completion: generates completions for a given terminal (bash, zsh, fish, PowerShell)

  • simulate: Runs a simulation with events on a given stream.

  • listen: Connects to an endpoint to listen for events.

Global flags

--api-auth-url --api-host --web-socket-url --events-auth-url --output --token-file

Auth URL for user logins (default "")

API host name (default "")

Websocket to receive events from (default "wss://").

Security Token Service for events (default "")

Displays the help page

Available on many list, get and delete commands. Displays the dependents of an entity in the case of list and get .Deletes the entity along with its dependents in the case of delete.

Available on many create commands. Saves the entity details to a JSON file in the config directory.

config file (default is $HOME/.config/strmprivacy/strm-creds-<api-auth-host>.json)


The following entities are available in the CLI:

  • batch-exporter
  • data-connector
  • data contract
  • kafka-cluster
  • kafka-exporter
  • kafka-user
  • key-stream
  • schema
  • schema-code
  • stream
  • usage

Making some options permanent

Assume you always want to use --save on stream creation commands.

Edit the file named config.yaml in the configuration directory, and uncomment the line save: true


save: true

This works similarly for any of the other flags.

Note that the flag interval is used both by the sim and batch-exporter entities but in one case with a meaning of seconds, and in the other of milliseconds, so this one is probably not a good one to make permanent. Although you can override the value if the configuration file with one on the command line.