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strm context info

Show the stored information for a saved entity


Shows information of entities that have been saved with the --save option use tab-completion for easy access.

One can see the file-system path, or the entity json contents depending on the output format flag. Note that these entities do not necessarily still exist on the STRM service. They don't get automatically removed if for instance you deleted an entity via another client.

strm context info (entity-reference) [flags]


strm context info Stream/demo1


  -h, --help            help for info
-o, --output string entity information output format [json, json-raw, path] (default "path")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-auth-url string   user authentication host (default "")
--api-host string api host and port (default "")
-p, --project string project to use (defaults to context-configured project)
--token-file string token file that contains an access token (default is $HOME/.config/strmprivacy/credentials-<api-auth-url>.json)