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strm create stream

Create a Stream


A stream is a pipeline implementation in STRM Privacy using streaming technology (Kafka).

Events are sent through the "Event Gateway" to a "Source Stream", where all sensitive (personal) data event attributes are encrypted after validating that the event conforms to a data contract. "Privacy Streams" are derived from source streams.

A derived "Privacy Stream" is configured for one or more specific purposes. It only receives events that are allowed to be processed for the configured purposes. The sensitive attributes matching those purposes are decrypted, while non-matching attributes remain encrypted.

Every stream has its own set of access tokens. Connecting to a source stream (i.e. sending events) requires different credentials than connecting to a derived Privacy Stream.


strm create stream (name) [flags]


strm create stream test

A name is not required for a derived stream; when absent a name will be created based on the source stream
and the provided purposes.

strm create stream --derived-from test --purposes 1,3,8 test-marketing


  -D, --derived-from string         name of stream that this stream is derived from
--description string description of this stream
-h, --help help for stream
--mask-seed string a seed used for masking
-M, --masked-fields stringArray -M strmprivacy/example/1.5.0:sensitiveValue,consistentValue \
-M strmprivacy/clickstream/1.0.0:sessionId

Masks fields values in the output stream via hashing.

--policy-id string the uuid of the policy to attach
--policy-name string the name of the policy to attach
-P, --purposes int32Slice comma separated list of integers referring to purposes (only for derived streams) (default [])
--save if true, save the credentials in ~/.config/strmprivacy/saved-entities. (default true)
--tags strings a list of tags for this stream

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-auth-url string   user authentication host (default "")
--api-host string api host and port (default "")
-o, --output string output format [json, json-raw, table, plain] (default "table")
-p, --project string project to use (defaults to context-configured project)
--token-file string token file that contains an access token (default is $HOME/.config/strmprivacy/credentials-<api-auth-url>.json)