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strm create batch-job

Create a Batch Job


A Batch Job reads all events in a file via a Data Connector and writes them to one or more Data Connectors, applying one of our privacy algorithms as defined by the job's configuration file. An encryption batch job encrypts sensitive data, while a micro-aggregation batch job applies k-member clustering and replaces the values of quasi identifier fields with an aggregated value (e.g. mean value of a cluster).

A Data Connector is a configuration entity that comprises a location (GCS bucket, AWS S3 bucket, ...) and associated credentials.

A Data Connector must be created in the same project before you can create a batch job that uses it.

The policy in the Batch Job configuration file can be overridden with the policy flags.

Batch Jobs are explained in the documentation.


strm create batch-job [flags]


A simplified example Batch Job configuration file

"policyId": "5c8e653a-8102-4444-ac15-a3d1aa0ff109",
"source_data": {
"data_connector_ref": { "name": "s3-batch-demo"},
"file_name": "online_retail_II-small.csv"
"consent": { "default_consent_levels": [ 2 ] },
"encryption": {
"batch_job_group_id": "35ced9a7-413f-49e8-9320-d17ebbc7e2d2",
"timestamp_config": {
"field": "InvoiceDate",
"format": "M/d/yyyy H:m",
"default_time_zone": { "id": "Europe/Amsterdam" }
"event_contract_ref": { "handle": "strmprivacy", "name": "online-retail",
"version": "1.0.0" },
"encrypted_data": {
"target": {
"data_connector_ref": { "name": "s3-batch-demo"},
"file_name": "online_retail_II/encrypted-small.csv"
"encryption_keys_data": {
"target": {
"data_connector_ref": { "name": "s3-batch-demo"},
"file_name": "online_retail_II/keys-small.csv"
"derived_data": [ {
"target": {
"data_connector_ref": { "name": "s3-batch-demo"},
"file_name": "online_retail_II/decrypted-0-small.csv"
"consent_levels": [ 2 ],
"consent_level_type": "GRANULAR"


  -F, --file string          the path to the JSON file containing the batch job configuration
-h, --help help for batch-job
--policy-id string the uuid of the policy to attach
--policy-name string the name of the policy to attach
-T, --type string the type of batch job (encryption, micro-aggregation), defaults to encryption (default "encryption")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-auth-url string   user authentication host (default "")
--api-host string api host and port (default "")
-o, --output string output format [json, json-raw, table, plain] (default "table")
-p, --project string project to use (defaults to context-configured project)
--token-file string token file that contains an access token (default is $HOME/.config/strmprivacy/credentials-<api-auth-url>.json)