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strm list kafka-clusters

List Kafka Clusters


A Kafka Cluster can be used for exporting directly from STRM Privacy to a Kafka Cluster owned by the client, or to the shared Kafka Export Cluster, hosted by STRM Privacy. This gives all the performance, scalability and reliability benefits offered by Kafka.

The Kafka Cluster is only a configuration object, it does not create the actual cluster infrastructure. It only points to an existing Kafka Cluster.

At the moment, it’s not possible to create your own Kafka Cluster. All Kafka Exporters use the STRM Privacy Shared Cluster.


strm list kafka-clusters [flags]


  -h, --help   help for kafka-clusters

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-auth-url string   user authentication host (default "")
--api-host string api host and port (default "")
-o, --output string output format [json, json-raw, table, plain] (default "table")
-p, --project string project to use (defaults to context-configured project)
-r, --recursive Retrieve entities and their dependents
--token-file string token file that contains an access token (default is $HOME/.config/strmprivacy/credentials-<api-auth-url>.json)