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Upgrading to a new version can be done easily using Helm. The process on a high level is composed of the following steps:

  1. Check the migration guides below
  2. Determine whether you need to make required changes before upgrading
  3. When upgrading multiple versions at once, determine whether smaller version increments are required
  4. Follow the upgrade commands

Upgrade instructions

This section assumes that you are able to connect to your Kubernetes cluster and have the appropriate access rights to upgrade the Helm Chart. Furthermore, this also assumes that you have followed the prerequisites section and have installed the tools mentioned there.

The kubectl commands below assume a default namespace of strmprivacy which you can set via kubens strmprivacy.

Verifying cluster and namespace

First, make sure you're connected to the correct cluster and namespace:

$ kubectl config current-context

$ kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{..namespace}'

If not connected to the correct context or namespace, use:

$ kubectl config use-context kubernetes-dev
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=strmprivacy

The easy way to do this is using kubectx (without args shows current and other contexts) and kubens (without args shows current and other namespaces)

View the current deployment

To list the currently deployed Helm Chart, execute the following command:

$ helm list

strmprivacy-data-plane strmprivacy 1 2022-09-06 13:36:55.521427 +0200 CEST deployed strm-1.15.0 1.16.0

As the Kubernetes context and namespace just have been set to the namespace of your Data Plane Helm Chart deployment, it only lists the Helm Charts deployed to this namespace. As you can see, the chart version is 1.15.0 here in this example.


From chart version 1.16.0, the appVersion and version in Chart.yaml are identical. For versions < 1.16.0, the appVersion differs from the version.

Upgrade the Helm Chart

The upgrade procedure depends on the type of installation you have chosen (self-hosted or AWS Marketplace).


Omitting the --version flag in the helm upgrade command results in Helm upgrading to the latest version. Be cautious, as this may include major version upgrades. Consult the migration guides first for any breaking changes.

First, make sure you are able to access the Helm Chart Repository, either through the Helm GCS Plugin or directly from our GitHub repo (see here).

If you installed the Helm chart directly from our GitHub repo, make sure you checkout the latest release tag again, and use the same command as during installation, but replace install by upgrade.

If you have installed the GCS Helm plugin, update the STRM Repo first like so:

helm repo update

Then, upgrade the deployed Helm Chart (assuming that your chart is named strmprivacy-data-plane):

helm upgrade strmprivacy-data-plane --namespace strmprivacy strmrepo/strm --values values.yaml

In both cases, either use a values.yaml file (a pre-populated version can be downloaded from the Console, in your installation page), or use the --set option to set individual properties.


If you wish to upgrade to a specific Helm Chart version of the STRM Privacy Data Plane, use the --version 1.10.0 flag to upgrade to a specific version (1.10.0 in this example).

For more information about Helm and Chart upgrades, please see the Helm upgrade documentation.


Running into issues while upgrading? Contact us if you require assistance.

Migration guides

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.0.0

Breaking chart changes
The kafkaAuth configuration properties of the various components have been replaced by a global security config under the top-level section globalKafkaSecurityConfig. See Authenticated Kafka page for more details.

Chart additions
A new property serializeAvroAsJson has been added under the kafka section. Setting this to true will result in Avro events to be serialized as Avro JSON instead of Avro Binary, allowing you to deserialize STRM events without a schema registry.

Upgrading to 1.15.0

Chart changes
This release allows to configure Kubernetes Services of type LoadBalancer with allowed IP CIDR ranges and configure the exposed port of the Service.