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Exporting Events

This quickstart covers how to export streaming data in batches to a blob storage location of your choice.


Do not confuse Batch Exporter with Batch Jobs. A Batch Job reads data from a finite source, whereas a Batch Exporter reads data from an infinite source

Exporting data to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage

If you want to export streaming data to AWS S3 or other storage solutions like Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage, you first need to create a Data Connector pointing to your storage location. See Data Connectors for details for each of the supported cloud storage platforms.

Creating a data connector

First create a data connector of the desired kind.

Create a batch exporter

A batch exporter is the STRM Privacy component that reads a stream, and writes its events in batches to the target storage configured by your data connector.

Create an exporter on the demo stream (make sure to create this first). The example below uses a data connector named s3. The type of connector is not of importance when creating a batch exporter for this quickstart. Just provide the name of the existing data connector you want to use. Here, the path prefix events is also provided, meaning that the batch exporter will prepend blobs with this prefix.

$ strm create batch-exporter demo --data-connector s3 --path-prefix events
"ref": {
"name": "s3-demo" ,
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"streamRef": {
"name": "demo" ,
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"dataConnectorRef": {
"name": "s3" ,
"projectId": "30fcd008-9696-...."
"interval": "60s",
"pathPrefix": "events"
  1. ref: the reference of the batch exporter
  2. streamRef: the reference to the stream that feeds the exporter
  3. dataConnectorRef: the reference to the data connector

A default name has been given to the batch exporter in this example (using the name of the data-connector and the name of the stream). Alternatively, a name can be set with the --name flag.

In this example, batches are being sent every 60 seconds. This can be configured with the --interval flag.

Also note that the --path-prefix argument is optional. Make sure it matches your bucket structure and permissions.

Using the results (AWS S3)

Everything has been set up, and if you are already sending events to the stream, you should start seeing data appearing in your bucket after the configured interval has elapsed. If you aren't sending data yet, you could simulate some random events with strm simulate random-events <stream name>.

The examples below are for an S3 bucket, but the files/blobs will have the same contents for other types of data connectors.

$ aws s3 ls strmprivacy-export-demo/events/

2021-03-26 10:56:31 79296 2021-03-26T09:56:30-stream-151daf78-eb70-4b6a-aeb4-578edc32bee6---0-1-2-3-4.jsonl
2021-03-26 10:57:01 275726 2021-03-26T09:57:00-stream-151daf78-eb70-4b6a-aeb4-578edc32bee6---0-1-2-3-4.jsonl
2021-03-26 10:57:31 277399 2021-03-26T09:57:30-stream-151daf78-eb70-4b6a-aeb4-578edc32bee6---0-1-2-3-4.jsonl

And the contents of one of the files:

$ aws s3 cp s3://strmprivacy-export-demo/encrypted-events/2021-03-26T09:56:30-stream-151daf78-eb70-4b6a-aeb4-578edc32bee6---0-1-2-3-4.jsonl - | head -1

"strmMeta": {
"schemaId": "clickstream",
"nonce": 1009145850,
"timestamp": 1625820808909,
"keyLink": "04d243ba-2cc9-4def-b406-7241d4fce7d1",
"consentLevels": [
"producerSessionId": "ATqVzbsw2qN3XDj+3D0SABPPVjb2nIqCcdFcG1irE6w=",
"url": "",
"eventType": "",
"referrer": "",
"userAgent": "",
"conversion": 0,
"customer": {
"id": "ATqVzbsKWvI9GH/rTwcI78Behpe5zo30EJMXGyEbP+u0FEZcBRwdP+A="
"abTests": []

About the filenames

The last part of the filenames identifies the partitions being processed by the Kafka consumers that are doing the actual exports. When under a high event rate, and more than 1 Kafka consumer is necessary for your Batch Exporter, a division of the partitions over multiple filenames can be seen. In this example, the topic has 5 partitions, and all of them are processed by one Kafka consumer.

With manual offset management in the Kafka consumer, the probability of duplicate or missing data in your bucket is very low.

Important considerations for consumers

A data connector is a very generic building block, which integrates with most architectures, making it very usable. Still, there are some things to be aware of.

Empty files

When there are no events, a batch exporter does not write any files to the data connector, so no empty files will be written.

However, when the batch exporter is created or (re)started, an empty JSONL file is created to validate the configuration (does the storage destination referred to by the data connector exist and do the credentials grant the required access?). This results in some empty files, so your downstream code needs to be able to handle these. Analytics tools such as GCP BigQuery and AWS Athena are capable of dealing (i.e. ignoring) these files.

Handling credentials securely

STRM Privacy stores the provided data connector credentials in a secure and encrypted manner. Nevertheless, we suggest creating dedicated users/credentials for each data connector and/or purpose. Grant only the minimum required permissions on only the necessary resources, as shown above.

This way, you can easily revoke/change the credentials, and create a new data connector and batch exporter configuration without impacting other applications.

Tearing down

Delete a batch exporter with the delete command:

$ strm delete batch-exporter <batch exporter name>
Batch Exporter has been deleted

To delete a data connector, any dependent batch exporter needs to be deleted first. It can then be deleted as follows:

$ strm delete data-connector <data connector name>
Data Connector has been deleted

Alternatively, you can remove the data connector with all linked batch exporters in one go:

$ strm delete data-connector <data connector name> --recursive
Data Connector and dependent entities have been deleted

You’re not required to delete a data connector when deleting a batch exporter. After all, it's only a configuration item that does not do anything by itself.