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Receiving events over web socket

When developing data pipelines, it's often useful to see some data flowing through them. This article covers how to use the Web Socket debug endpoint to do just that.


Use strm sim run-random demo to generate random data on the demo stream.

Simulate random events and consume them via web socket

Create a stream and simulate random events:

strm create stream demo
strm simulate random-events demo

Starting to simulate random strmprivacy/demo/1.0.2 events to stream demo.
Sending one event every 1000 ms.
Sent 5 events

The strm listen web-socket command is used for showing the events in real time.

$ strm listen web-socket --help
Read events via the web-socket (not for production purposes)

strm listen web-socket (stream-name) [flags]

See the CLI for more details.

Next, consume the events from the simulator (ensure that the simulator keeps running, so use multiple shell sessions):

$ strm listen web-socket demo
"strmMeta": {
"eventContractRef": "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0",
"nonce": 159456216,
"timestamp": 1629202317371,
"keyLink": "1e3a47c9-2b4a-4820-b16c-975a63d69d9d",
"billingId": "demo8542234275",
"consentLevels": [ 0 ]
"uniqueIdentifier": "AW0ku+QlmuzFHUc5asuBS/S2aPhnJFRXMkd9Sl8Z",
"consistentValue": "AW0ku+SxBlO/YwVHZ8kbq7PbRiS9UqoafqYsGrYm2p8=",
"someSensitiveValue": "AW0ku+Tf+Plyd/WN6E4NEpEaBEGVBHReySSdbmrjacAe",
"notSensitiveValue": "not-sensitive-5"

The debugging endpoint only shows json values, even when the actual wire format is Avro binary in this case. This is to make it easier to inspect the values.

Manually listening to the web socket endpoint

The CLI does not have to be used to listen to the web socket endpoint. Any web socket client can be used to interact with it.

First, request an OAuth 2.0 access token with the Client Credentials Grant that you need for stream authentication. In the code block below, the user (-u) is configured as clientId:clientSecret. This translates into an Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded username + password> header.

accessToken=$(curl -X POST -u "stream-w0qu00hwl644b...:OygfdpwBqoekL..." \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
"" | jq -r .access_token)

Here wscat is used to connect to the web socket endpoint.

wscat -H "authorization:Bearer $accessToken" -c wss://
Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
< {
"strmMeta": {
"eventContractRef": "strmprivacy/example/1.3.0",
"nonce": -1234364567,
"timestamp": 1629192610656,
"keyLink": "57ff8035-ae35-4e82-9bf2-a4d0a544c89d",
"billingId": "demo8542234275",
"consentLevels": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
"uniqueIdentifier": "ARYe0czxEBMEC6jh5GWYicyvqBD0JBOMRoQSm2PO",
"consistentValue": "ARYe0cxg2b9W++VYEMYKbZXLzgQf+cAkcZuqUh82lMw=",
"someSensitiveValue": "ARYe0cwC5ImORtYRIzKPzaxKyjErTn/9fyGhVTseDxg=",
"notSensitiveValue": "not-sensitive-48"

All fields in the data contract strmprivacy/example/1.3.0 that are marked as PII are encrypted, as the encrypted stream is consumed here.