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Advanced Configuration

Using a private Docker registry

If you have to install the STRM Privacy Data Plane in an air-gapped environment, you can use the following script to easily mirror all STRM Privacy container images with the image pull secret credentials provided in your installation configuration, which can be found here.


Using this requires gcloud and python3 to be installed. Furthermore, it uses gcrane, which simplifies copying images between (authenticated) registries. The authentication commands are similar to Docker. gcloud is used by gcrane to fetch an access token that allows for authentication with STRM Privacy's registry.


The CLI for Google Cloud can be installed with the instructions shown here. This will guide you through all the prerequisites there and make sure that gcloud is on your PATH.


Install gcrane (as it's not distributed via package managers)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -L -o go-containerregistry.tar.gz
tar -zxvf go-containerregistry.tar.gz
chmod +x gcrane
mv gcrane /usr/local/bin/

Ensure that gcrane can access your private registry if it requires authentication for pushing images. A command to authenticate gcrane with access to a private registry would look similar to this:


Mirror images

The following script can be used as an example and can be executed periodically to mirror the STRM Privacy Registry. The image pull secret can be found in the installation settings in the Console.


As it cannot be assumed that the private registry has a directory/folder structure, we replace every / in the image path to an _. For example, this would mean the image name of a batch-exporter will not be the path events/batch-exporters-agent but rather the image name events_batch-exporters-agent.