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Advanced Configuration

Using a values.yaml

It is recommended to use a values.yaml over the --set option, as this prevents secrets from ending up in your terminal history and eases repeatability. If you plan to use a values.yaml instead of the inline Helm values:

  1. make sure to set the license.installationType to AWS_MARKETPLACE
  2. the registry.imagePullSecret can be omitted / left blank, as this is facilitated by your AWS Marketplace deployment

Run the following command to install the Helm chart (ensure that your working directory is awsmp-chart as also shown in the --set example above):

helm install strmprivacy --namespace strmprivacy --create-namespace ./* --values values.yaml

After these steps, you should end up with a namespace strmprivacy with, by default, all components enabled. If you wish otherwise, you can edit the values.yaml to match your needs.

Using managed prerequisites for the Data Plane

As the STRM Privacy Data Plane depends on Kafka, Redis and/or a Postgres Database, you should only use the embedded instances of these prerequisites to deploy your initial version. For production purposes, we recommend to use managed instances.

Purpose of using managed instances

The subcharts for Kafka, Redis and PostgreSQL that are included in the STRM Privacy Data Plane Helm Chart are not meant for production purposes, as they have not been configured as such. Furthermore, not all Kubernetes Clusters fulfill the pre-requisites for this (e.g. support for persistent storage). The more convenient route here, is to use managed instances of the prerequisites for your Data Plane. The following sections discuss how to set up these managed instances.

AWS RDS for PostgreSQL

To be able to run Batch Jobs, a PostgreSQL database is required. Please follow the steps from the AWS RDS for PostgreSQL guide , in order to setup a PostgreSQL database for your STRM Privacy Data Plane. Make sure to implement the best practices to backup and restore data at any point in time as described here. General remarks considering the database:

  • Create a separate user (following the principle of least privilege) with read and write access rights to the database. Set the credentials in the values.yaml for the PostgreSQL user.
  • Data usage will increase over time, therefore, it is wise to enable AWS RDS Storage Autoscaling to prevent manual interventions.

AWS MSK for Apache Kafka

To be able to run any streaming tasks, a Kafka (or Kafka API compatible) cluster is required. Please follow the steps from the AWS MSK for Apache Kafka guide to setup a managed Kafka cluster in your AWS account. Take note of the private bootstrap servers (and possibly credentials) and set the value in the values.yaml.

AWS ElastiCache for Redis

To be able to run any streaming tasks, a Redis (or Redis API compatible) deployment is required. Please follow the steps from the AWS ElastiCache for Redis guide to setup a managed Redis deployment. Take note of the endpoint (and possibly credentials) and set the value in the values.yaml.

Routing traffic

The Helm chart includes ClusterIP Kubernetes services by default to route traffic to. If you need to route traffic from outside the cluster to one of the STRM Privacy applications, set services.loadbalancer.enabled to true to create a LoadBalancer Kubernetes service. Arbitrary annotations can be added with services.loadbalancer.annotations, which allows you to configure the Network Load Balancer to fit your needs (view all annotations here):

enabled: true
annotations: "internet-facing"